For writing:
- Quick entry
- Easy to edit and restructure
- Many tools to produce various kinds of output (html, text, books, pdf documents, etc.)
- Storage is inexpensive and doesn't take up much space
- Easy to search/navigate through documents
For organization
- Many different kinds of tools from Palm software to Franklin Covey, to GTD based on David Allen's system, to flat text files ala todo.txt ( by Gina Trapani.
- Once a document is in electronic form it is easy to store and many, many documents can be stored on one computer in much less space than in a file cabinet.
- Easy to search
For programming
- Most programming requires the use of computers
- There are many, many tools available to programmers such as:
- Editors: CodeWrite, SlickEdit, VIM, EMACS, Notepad, BBEdit...
- Compilers: MSVC, Sun javac, GNU Compiler Collection (java, fortran, C, C++, and more), Intel C Compiler...
- Assemblers: NASM, MASM, TASM...
- Interpreters: Ruby, Python, Lisp, Perl, bash, and countless others
- GUI Builders: Glade, QT Designer, MSVC, ...
- Code browsers (many use output from etags or ctags, MS has their own)
- Simulators, Emulators
- Using a computer makes it easy to search code and tools make it easier to understand it
- Easily gather programs from other creators
- Easily distribute your own works
For research
- Access to the Internet has become invaluable as a research tool
- Easily gather huge amounts of information and store/catalog it
- Easily search for new information or search the information already acquired
- Interact with other researchers to create/gather more research
- Almost instant access to many remote or obscure locations of the globe and their researchers/experiences/knowledge
- Easily disseminate results of your own research
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